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12 in Japanese

Let's learn how to say “12” in Japanese.
How to say number twelve in Japanese
Number 12 is ”十二/juu ni/じゅうに” in Japanese.

Japanese idioms using the number twelve
Let's see idioms using 12 in Japanese.
十二支 /juu ni shi/ the twelve zodiac signs in Chinese astrology
The twelve zodiac signs in Chinese astrology commonly known as the "Zodiac" or "Chinese Zodiac," are a traditional classification scheme that originated in China and is based on a twelve-year cycle. Each year in this cycle is associated with an animal sign. The twelve animals are:
- Rat 子 /ne/
- Ox 牛 /ushi/
- Tiger 寅 /tora/
- Rabbit 卯 /u/
- Dragon 辰 /tatsu/
- Snake 巳 /mi/
- Horse 午 /uma/
- Goat 未 /hitsuji/
- Monkey 申 /saru/
- Rooster 酉 /tori/
- Dog 戌 /inu/
- Pig 亥 /i/
Each animal is believed to represent certain personality traits and characteristics.
十二分 /juu ni bun/ more than enough
The term "十二分" (juu-ni-bun) is a Japanese expression that translates to "more than sufficient" or "more than enough" in English. It conveys the idea of something being fully adequate, ample, or completely satisfactory. The phrase is often used to emphasize that a particular amount or level is well beyond what is required or expected.
For example, "時間は十二分にある" /jikan wa juu-ni-bun ni aru/ translates to "We have more than enough time."