Want to study Japanese with a real teacher?
Hello! My name is Mari-sensei. I am a certified Japanese teacher and have taught over 100 students online.
Every day I see so many students struggling to learn Japanese. I can tell you that it is not easy to develop listening and practical grammar skills.
When I thought of something that students could repeat and study by themself, I came up with the idea of Japanese language lesson videos that teach Japanese “in Japanese”.
It is a natural way to develop listening skills in Japanese, and of course, grammar and vocabulary can be studied together.
So I created this community and made lesson videos. All the videos have subtitles in English and Japanese with furigana, so you don't have to worry! It's a video lesson, so you don't need to be nervous. You can access it anytime on any device.
And since this is a "community," you can study with other learners. You can connect to the community-only Discord. And what's more, you can take group lessons or have one-on-one lessons with Mari-sensei!
Even if you are a beginner, it's okay. We teach from hiragana and katakana.
And of course! There are lessons for intermediate/advanced level.
Let's start by building your Japanese language skills and confidence here in our community.
Details for each community:
友達 tomo dachi (friend) plan

- コミュニティ限定のレッスンビデオを観ることができます。
(Each week, you will be able to watch lesson videos exclusive to the community.)
(Videos are subtitled in English and Japanese with furigana.)
(As of October 2024, there are over 70 lesson videos.) - コミュニティ限定の価格でベストセラーの教科書(ebook) "Power Up Your Japanese"を購入することができます。
(You can purchase the best-selling textbook (ebook) "Power Up Your Japanese" for a limited community price.) - 日本語の勉強についてメールで質問することができます。
(You can ask questions about studying Japanese by e-mail.) - 1ヵ月5ドルです。PayPal、クレジットカードでお願いします。いつでもキャンセル可能です。
(5USD / month. Pay with PayPal or a credit card. Cancel anytime.)
親友 shin yuu (best friend) plan

本当にありがとうございます!色々な国の人と一緒に、日本語を話しましょう!(Thank you so much! Let’s speak with people from various countries!)
- 毎週、Zoomのグループレッスンに招待します。
(We will invite you to a Zoom group lesson once a week (30 minutes).
Lessons alternate weekly between North American nighttime and European morning time.) - Community限定のDiscordに参加できます。
(You can join our community-only Discord.) - コミュニティ限定のレッスンビデオを観ることができます。
(Each week, you will be able to watch lesson videos exclusive to the community.)
(Videos are subtitled in English and Japanese with furigana.)
(As of October 2024, there are over 70 lesson videos.) - コミュニティ限定の価格でベストセラーの教科書(ebook) "Power Up Your Japanese"を購入することができます。
(You can purchase the best-selling textbook (ebook) "Power Up Your Japanese" for a limited community price.) - 日本語の勉強についてメール・Discordで質問することができます。
(You can ask questions about studying Japanese by e-mail or Discord.) - 1ヵ月10ドルです。PayPal、クレジットカードでお願いします。いつでもキャンセル可能です。
(10USD / month. Pay with PayPal or a credit card. Cancel anytime.)
大親友 dai shin yuu (very big best friend) plan

本当に本当に、ありがとうございます!色んな国の人と一緒に話したり、私と一緒に、日本語を勉強しましょう!(Thank you, thank you thank you! Let's speak Japanese with people from various countries!)
- 人数限定のプランです。
(This plan is for a limited number of people.)
- マリ先生と月1回、1対1のレッスンを受けることができます。(30分)
(You can take a 30-minute one-on-one lesson with Mari-sensei once a month. Let's coordinate our schedules with each other.) - 毎週、Zoomのグループレッスンに招待します。
(We will invite you to a Zoom group lesson once a week (30 minutes).
Lessons alternate weekly between North American nighttime and European morning time.) - Community限定のDiscordに参加できます。
(You can join our community-only Discord.) - コミュニティ限定のレッスンビデオを観ることができます。
(Each week, you will be able to watch lesson videos exclusive to the community.)
(Videos are subtitled in English and Japanese with furigana.)
(As of October 2024, there are over 70 lesson videos.) - コミュニティ限定の価格でベストセラーの教科書(ebook) "Power Up Your Japanese"を購入することができます。
(You can purchase the best-selling textbook (ebook) "Power Up Your Japanese" for a limited community price.) - 日本語の勉強についてメール・Discordで質問することができます。
(You can ask questions about studying Japanese by e-mail or Discord.) - 1ヵ月30ドルです。PayPal、クレジットカードでお願いします。いつでもキャンセル可能です。
(30USD / month. Pay with PayPal or a credit card. Cancel anytime.)