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Good afternoon in Japanese word

Study Japanese greetings. Greetings are very important in communication. We want to make sure that we are not rude when speaking with native speakers.
How to say good afternoon in Japanese

Good afternoon in Japanese is こんにちは /kon nichi wa/. Sometimes even Japanese people write "こんにちわ /konnichiwa/", but this is actually a mistake. And sometimes it's written in Kanji 今日(こんにち)は but rarely.
The greeting "こんにちは /kon nichi wa/" is usually used from around 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
こんばんは /kon ban wa/ is used around 6:00 pm to midnight. It is generally dark outside after 6:00 pm in Japan.

Other greetings in Japanese
Greetings | Casual | Informal |
Good morning | おはよう /ohayou/ | おはようございます /ohayougozaimasu/ |
Hi / Hello / Good afternoon | こんにちは /kon nichi wa/ | こんにちは /kon nichi wa/ |
Good evening | こんばんは /kon ban wa/ | こんばんは /kon ban wa/ |
See you | バイバイ /bai bai/ | さようなら /sayou nara/ |
Good night | おやすみ /oyasumi/ | おやすみなさい /oyasumi nasai/ |
Thank you | ありがとう /arigatou/ | ありがとうございます /arigatou gozaimasu/ |
Sorry | すみません /sumimasen/ | すみません /sumimasen/ |
Nice to meet you | はじめまして /hajimemashite/ | はじめまして /hajimemashite/ |
No problem | 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ) /daijoubu/ | 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)です /daijoubu desu/ |
There are many other ways to say it depending on the situation.