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123 in Japanese language

123 in Japanese language

Let's learn to say 1, 2, and 3 in Japanese. We have also compiled a list of idioms for each of them, so please learn them.

How to say one, two, and three in Japanese

The Japanese language has three alphabets. They are Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. You should know how to write each of them as well as how to read them.


Japanese idioms using the numbers one, two and three

There are so many idioms and four-character idioms using the numbers 1, 2, and 3. The meaning of each is deep and very beautiful. If you know them, you will know the depth of the Japanese language.


  • 一心(いっしん /isshin/) - One heart; whole-heartedness
  • 一部(いちぶ /ichibu/) - One part; a portion
  • 一時(いちじ /ichiji/) - One time; temporarily
  • 一体(いったい /ittai/) - One entity; generally
  • 一石二鳥(いっせきにちょう /isseki nichou/) - Killing two birds with one stone
  • 一心同体(いっしんどうたい /isshin doutai/) - One heart and one body; being of one mind


  • 二重(にじゅう /nijuu/) - Double; dual
  • 二分(にぶん /nibun/) - Division into two
  • 二者択一(にしゃたくいつ /nisha takuitsu/) - Choosing between two options
  • 二人三脚(ににんさんきゃく /ninin sankyaku/) - Three-legged race; cooperation
  • 二転三転(にてんさんてん /niten santen/) - Changing again and again


  • 三日(みっか /mikka/) - Three days; the third day
  • 三角(さんかく /sankaku/) - Triangle
  • 三流(さんりゅう /sanryuu/) - Third-rate
  • 三日坊主(みっかぼうず /mikka bouzu/) - Three-day monk; someone who gives up easily
  • 三者三様(さんしゃさんよう /sansha san yo u/) - To each his own; three people, three ways
  • 三寒四温(さんかんしおん /sankan shion/) - Three cold days and four warm days; the cycle of weather changes