I am very grateful to have met you here. And I also appreciate your interest in Japan. I aim to teach Japanese as simply as possible. I look forward to helping you master the Japanese language and helping you with your dreams.

Hello! I'm Mari sensei
My name is Mari. I’m from Hyogo prefecture, Japan. I am a certified Japanese teacher and now teaching Japanese online. I teach Japanese in English. English is my second language. Yes, I’m a learner as well!
Now I live in Okayama prefecture happily with my husband and two children.

Mari sensei's childhood
Let me write about my childhood. I like running in sports. In junior high and high school, I was always the anchor in relay races!
But more than sports, I loved to write and study at my desk. I especially loved English and would borrow an English-Japanese dictionary from my older brother to look up the meaning of lyrics to my favorite music. When I was little, my dream was to become an interpreter. Although I didn't become an interpreter, I am very happy to have a job where I can use English.
University and Working holiday
I graduated from Doshisha University in Kyoto with a degree in English literature. It was not easy to read historical English books and write many reports, but my friends around me inspired me to study hard. In addition to English, I also got certified in accounting("boki" in Japanese) to have a wider view.
When I was 26 years old, I went to Toronto, Canada for a working holiday. I was working at a SUBWAY sandwich with my Indian boss! Toronto is a city full of different cultures, and that’s when I started to get interested in interacting with foreigners.
Why did I become a Japanese teacher?
I was very interested in different cultures in Toronto, so I did a lot of research to start something as soon as I got back home. That’s when I found a job as a Japanese teacher. I thought it was a very good job for me having English skills, so I immediately enrolled in a training school.
And I took the 420-hour training course.

After I got my certification, I started teaching Japanese privately. I started teaching on SNS as well. I now have more than 200k followers on SNS sites and have a lot of opportunities to meet more people than ever before.
I was surprised that there are so many people who are interested in Japan. I found this teaching Japanese job to be a lot of fun.
My dream
My dream is to teach Japanese to more people! It is said that Japanese is very difficult to learn. But that’s because there are so many rules. I want to be a teacher who can teach Japanese simply.
I’ve been able to meet a lot of people through Instagram and online lessons, and I’d like to make the most of these opportunities.
Also, I love calligraphy. I have been learning calligraphy since elementary school and have received many awards. I spend my time doing calligraphy, which is my healing time. I also show my calligraphy on my SNS site, which is a good way to learn kanji characters. Please check them as well.

Thank you so much for reading until the end. Hope we can talk each other in our community!