Privacy Policy

Collection of Personal Information

Our site uses Google's analysis tool, "Google Analytics," to analyze visitor behavior. (For information about the privacy and security of data with Google Analytics, please see here.)

Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. You can refuse the collection by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings.

Use of Personal Information

On our site, you may be asked to register personal information such as your name (or handle name) and email address when making inquiries via email.

These personal details are used to respond to questions and to provide necessary information via email. We will not use personal information for any purposes other than those for which it was provided.

Storage of Personal Information

To keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, alteration, or leakage of personal information, we take necessary measures such as maintaining security systems and managing personal information strictly.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except in the following cases, we will not disclose personal information provided by customers to third parties:

  • With the consent of the individual
  • When required by law
  • When it is necessary to disclose personal information to prevent fraud or other illegal activities

Disclosure of Personal Information to Customers

If a customer wishes to inquire about, correct, or delete their personal information, we will comply with such requests upon verifying the identity of the requester.

About Ad Serving

Our site uses a third-party ad service "Google Adsense."

Ad delivery companies may use cookies to display ads based on user interests.

Please see "Ads - Policies and Terms - Google" for details on how to disable cookies and more information about Google Adsense.

Third parties may provide content and advertising, collect information directly from visitors, and set or recognize cookies on visitors' browsers.


The copyrights and portrait rights of the images published on this site belong to their respective owners. It is not our intention to infringe upon these rights. If there are any issues with the content or images published, please contact us directly via email. Upon confirmation, we will take appropriate action.

We are not responsible for any information, services, etc., provided on sites that you visit through links or banners from our site.

While we strive to post as accurate information as possible on our site, there may be incorrect information or outdated information.

We cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the content posted on our site.


The copyright of the information posted on our site is not waived. Quoting from our site articles is permitted free of charge with the "source clearly stated." However, full-text reproduction is not allowed. The range of permission for quoting can be changed without prior notice, and it is also prohibited to use our site's RSS to plagiarize content.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Our site complies with Japanese laws applicable to personal information and reviews the content of this policy as necessary to improve it.

The latest revised privacy policy will always be disclosed on this page.


For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information on our site, please contact us here.


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