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Number one in Japanese

Let's learn how to say “1” in Japanese.
How to say number one in Japanese
In Japanese, “1” is “ichi”. It's 一(いち) in Kanji.

Japanese idioms using the number one
There are many idioms using the word “one.”
- 一部(いちぶ) - A part, a portion.
- 一時(いちじ) - A moment, a short period of time.
- 一番(いちばん) - The best, the first place.
- 一同(いちどう) - Everyone, all members.
- 一石二鳥(いっせきにちょう) - Kill two birds with one stone.
- 一心不乱(いっしんふらん) - With single-minded devotion, undivided attention.
- 一挙両得(いっきょりょうとく) - Kill two birds with one stone; achieve two things with one action.
- 一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい) - With utmost effort, with one's whole heart and soul.