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Number 5 in Japanese

Let's learn how to say “5” in Japanese.
How to say number five in Japanese
Five” is "五 ご /go/" in Japanese.

Japanese idioms using the number five
- 五感(ごかん/go kan/) - The five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch).
- 五分五分(ごぶごぶ/go bu go bu/) - Fifty-fifty, meaning evenly matched or equal.
- 五里霧中(ごりむちゅう/go ri mu chuu/) - Lost in a fog, meaning to be completely at a loss or utterly confused.
- 五臓六腑(ごぞうろっぷ/go zou roppu/) - The five viscera and six entrails, referring to the internal organs of the body, often used to mean the whole body or the innermost feelings.