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Number 4 in Japanese

Let's learn how to say “4” in Japanese.
How to say number four in Japanese
Four” is ‘four’ in Japanese. It is also read as “yon, shi".

Most of the time it is “yon,” but when combined with other kanji, it is often read as “shi.
Japanese idioms using the number four
Let's look at some idioms using “四.” When used in idioms, it is often read as “shi”.
- 四季(しき /shi ki/) - The four seasons.
- 四方(しほう /shi hou/) - All directions (north, south, east, west).
- 四角(しかく /shi kaku/) - Square or rectangle.
- 四面楚歌(しめんそか /shi men so ka/) - Surrounded by enemies on all sides, meaning to be in a desperate situation.
- 四苦八苦(しくはっく /shi ku hakku/) - The eight sufferings in Buddhism, often used to mean intense suffering or struggling.