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Japanese words for hello

Konnichiwa! In Japanese, there are several ways to say "Hello," each with its own nuance and timing. Choosing the right greeting depending on the situation is important. In this blog, I’ll introduce different Japanese expressions that correspond to "Hello" in English.
こんにちは /ko n ni chi wa/ Hello

"こんにちは /kon nichiwa/" is the most common greeting during the day. It's used when meeting someone in the afternoon and is equivalent to "Hello" or "Good afternoon" in English. It can be used in both formal and casual settings.
Example Sentence:
/kon nichiwa, genki desuka/
(Hello, how are you?)
おはようございます /ohayou gozaimasu/ Good morning

"おはようございます /ohayou gozaimasu/" is the standard greeting used in the morning, meaning "Good morning." In casual situations, it can be shortened to just "おはよう /ohayou/".
Example Sentence:
/ohayou gozaimasu, kyou wa ii tenki desune/
(Good morning, it's a nice day today.)
こんばんは /konbanwa/ Good evening
"こんばんは /konbanwa/" is used in the evening, similar to "Good evening" in English. It's appropriate to use when meeting someone from late afternoon to night.
Example Sentence:
/konbanwa, saikin dou desuka/
(Good evening, how have you been?)
やあ /yaa/ どうも /doumo/ Hi, Hello
"やあ /yaa/" and "どうも /doumo" are casual greetings often used with friends or in informal settings. "やあ /aaa/" is similar to "Hey" in English and is quite light and informal. "どうも /doumo/" is slightly more polite but still used casually as a general "Hi."
Example Sentence:
/yaa, hisashiburi/
(Hey, long time no see!)
/doumo, choushi dou/
(Hi, how's it going?)
もしもし /moshi moshi/ Hello (on the phone)
"もしもし /moshi moshi/" is the greeting you use on the phone. It's the standard way to say "Hello" when answering or making a phone call. This phrase is specific to phone conversations and is not used in face-to-face interactions.
Example Sentence:
/moshi moshi, kikoemasuka/
(Hello, can you hear me?)
はじめまして /hajimemashite/ Nice to see you
When meeting someone for the first time, you say "はじめまして /hajimemashite/". This is similar to "Nice to meet you" and is typically used in introductions.
Example Sentence:
/hajimemashite, tanaka desu. yoroshiku onegai shimasu/
(Hello, I'm Tanaka. Nice to meet you.)
There are many ways to say "Hello" in Japanese, and it’s essential to use the right expression based on the time of day and the situation. Try incorporating these greetings into your everyday conversations!