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Japanese word for black

The Japanese word for black is 黒 (くろ /kuro/), and it’s one of the most basic colors you’ll encounter when learning the language. Let’s explore its meaning, how to use it in sentences, and some important grammatical points.
Basic Meaning of 黒 (くろ /kuro/)

The kanji 黒(くろ /kuro/) means black. You’ll often hear it in daily life when describing objects that are black.
For example:
- 黒いバナナ (くろいばなな /kuroi banana/) – black banana
- 黒猫を飼っています。 (くろねこをかっています /kuroneko o katteimasu/) – I have a black cat.
Adjective Form: 黒い (くろい /kuro/),
When using 黒 (くろ /kuro/) as black to describe the following nown, it changes to the adjective form 黒い (くろい /kuroi/). This follows the standard pattern of い /i/-adjectives in Japanese.
Example sentences:
- 黒い服 (kuroi fuku) – black clothes
- 黒い靴 (kuroi kutsu) – black shoes
If you want to turn it into adjectival sentences, it conjugates like this like other い /i/-adjective sentences.
"Black" | Affirmative sentence | Negative sentence |
Present tense | 黒い (くろい /aoi/): It's blue. ex)私の車は黒い。 (わたしのくるまはくろい /watashi no kuruma wa kuroi/): My car is black. | 黒くない (くろくない /aoku nai/): It's not blue. ex)私の車は黒くないです。 (わたしのくるまはくろくないです /watashi no kuruma wa kurokunaidesu/): My car wasn't black. |
Past tense | 黒かった (あおかった /aokatta/): It was blue. ex)そのバナナは黒かった。(そのばななはくろかった /sono banana wa kurokunakatta/): The banana was black. | 黒くなかった (くろくなかった /kuroku nakatta/): It was not blue. ex)そのバナナはまだ黒くなかったです。 (そのばななはまだくろくなかったです /sono banana wa mada kurokunakattadesu/): The banana wan't black yet. |
Please use "です /desu/" when making polite sentences.
Using 黒 as a Noun

黒(くろ /kuro/) means black and 黒色(くろいろ /kuro iro/) means black color. They can also be used as a noun, meaning "the color black."
- 黒色が好きです (くろいろがすきです /kuro iro ga suki desu/) – I like black color.
- 彼の車は黒です (かれのくるまはくろです /kare no kuruma wa kuro desu/) – His car is black.
Negative Connotations
In some idiomatic expressions, 黒 can have negative connotations, such as:
- 黒字 (くろじ /kuroji/) – black ink, meaning profit (used in finance).
- 黒幕 (くろまく /kuromaku/) – a mastermind behind a scheme (literally "black curtain").